28/09/2017 | Speakers
Mikołaj Mirowski
A Polish historian and columnist. He works at Dom Literatury in Lodz and cooperates with the Museum of Independence Traditions in Lodz, where he coordinates an event series titled “Plus or Minus – Historical Confrontations”. He is interested in the topics of historical memory, USSR (1917-1941), Polish People’s Republic and the relations between the Jews and Poles. His articles were published in Rzeczpospolita, Gazeta Wyborcza daily, Polityka weekly, Tygodnik Powszechny, Znak or Fronda LUX. Moreover, he coordinates the project “Warsaw of Two Uprisings” conducted in the Warsaw Rising Museum. He’s the author of a book titled Rewolucja permanentna Lwa Trockiego. Między teorią a praktyką (Leon Trotsky’s Permanent Revolution. Between Theory and Practice).